About us

Start2Stop is a leading London private sector provider of addiction treatment. We have been offering outpatient treatment for people with binge-pattern addiction problems since 2010. Since 2012, we have been providing residential secondary and tertiary treatment. 

At Start2Stop we believe that everyone with an addiction problem has an intrinsic motivation to change and the ability to do so. However, because we understand addiction to be a chronic relapsing illness that causes multi-dimensional problems, we know that this will take time.

Start2Stop’s philosophy is therefore that for rehab to work best, treatment must be long-term, holistic, gentle and with the provision of genuine pathways to sustainable and happy recovery.

Start2Stop’s treatment mission is to help clients recover from addiction within the setting of their own lives.

We believe that there can be no better way to recover than to do so in the real world, which means that our job is to provide a safe, confidential and supportive environment within which this change-process can unfold.

Attention to detail, expert help from seasoned professionals and individualised case management are the Start2Stop hallmark, and set us apart from other treatment centres.

Start2Stop has a commitment to affordable long-term rehab and our counselling is informed by motivational interviewing (MIE), cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and 12-Step principles.


of Start2Stop alumni surveyed strongly agreed or agreed to the statement that treatment had met their expectations.

Professional Referrals

If you are a professional and would like to refer a patient or client to Start2Stop, click the link below for more information.